IMO the siddhis are valid.  As mentioned before on this forum, I personally 
have experienced the siddhi relating to being "small as an atom", even though I 
only used the basic TM mantra.  While in samadhi, I saw my consiousness 
floating nearby glowing pink rods and cones.  I later realized that these were 
actually the inner structure of the retina in my eyes.

One other guy from this forum have admitted to me he had experienced the same 

In summary, the experience only convinced me that the atomic particle is part 
of consciousness, or that it can sustain consciousness in its structure, which 
is more likely both in particle and wave forms.  This would apply to all the 
other subatomic particles that physicists have discovered and are in the 
process of discovering.

--- In, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> Card ... give it up.
> Theosophical speculations abound in his works.
> Taimini should have stayed in the chem lab.
> How many hidden masters did he claim to have
> visited with?
> Maybe he found Blavatsky reborn in New Jersey.
> --- In, cardemaister <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > From Taimni's comment on YS III 15:
> >
> > The Yogic philosophy takes a more sensible and scientific
> > view [than "Western" science]. It considers the whole of
> > the manifested Universe as a cosmos. It declares emphatically
> > that all phenomena within this Universe - superphysical as
> > well as physical - are subject to natural laws which work
> > with mathematical precision. It provides the means by which
> > the superphysical phenomena can be investigated and the
> > underlying laws discovered. The student is thus not only
> > free to decide which is the more rational view of the
> > Universe but also *to test by his own experiences and experiments
> > which is the correct view*. [emph. added]
> >

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