On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:23 AM, raunchydog <raunchy...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Forget about caps, hats and sombreros, our only hope is a relief well,
> pronto! There is a possibility that the BP oil leak in the pipe below the
> sea could blow and open a gusher directly into the oil deposit.
> I've spent enough time in the oil patch to have been expecting the oil leak
in the pipe below the sea to potentially blow.  There are amazing pressures
at those depths.  The four oil executives admitted as much.

The relief well could blow while it's being drilled or after it's in place.
On the surface we expect pipes to blow, not holes. We don't have BOPs that
can handle these or many other conditions.  Regrettably we're tapping into
places we are unprepared to control.

Already the BOPs are the sizes of buses.  On the surface BOPs used to just
close off wells.  Look, for example at the BOP at the dry hole in the
property in Navasota. It's big but not very big.  It's there just in case
the piping blows, not in case the well comes alive and blows everything out
of it.   One of the many problems with subsea drilling is that the BOPs have
to be big enough to cap off the hole blowing everything out of it.

"America always chooses to do the right thing -- after it's tried everything
else"-- Winston Churchill

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