Q. You have said that Maitreya has appeared 16 times (as of 12 June
2010) already in television interviews. Did He always use the same name?
Did He appear in the mayavirupa [a self-created physical body] made in
the Himalayas?

A. He appeared as He looks. He uses the same name each time – not
Maitreya but another name which He will use until the Day of

Q. Why does He not use His own name?

A. Millions of people are waiting for Maitreya to come and do our work
for us. By `work' mean accepting the principle of sharing,
creating justice and peace. The nations don't do it – it is
difficult, so they want Maitreya to come and do it for them. He
doesn't come for that; Maitreya comes to inspire and galvanize
humanity but not to do our work for us.

If Maitreya comes incognito He knows that people will be responding to
His ideas; they will be responding because they want for the world what
He is advocating for the world and not because it is the World Teacher
Himself Who is saying these things.

Q. On 26 March 2010, a South Korean warship was sunk close to the
North-South Korean maritime border. The South Korean investigation into
the cause of the sinking has concluded that a torpedo fired from a North
Korean submarine was to blame. The US and other governments have
condemned North Korea, but the North claims that so-called evidence was
deliberately planted and strongly denies any involvement. Did a North
Korean submarine really fire the torpedo?

A. My information is that North Korea had nothing to do with the sinking
of the South Korean ship. (And certainly North Korea has nothing to gain
from taking this action. In fact it has everything to lose from the
growing sanctions which would obviously be imposed.) My information is
that the true culprit is the American CIA, to bring further pressure on
North Korea.

Q. You say that the Day of Declaration will happen throughout the world
simultaneously? Will it be during the daytime? At night? Will it be the
same time whether it is day or night in some places?

A. Exactly. Maitreya lives in London. Now, it may happen that Maitreya
will decide that it will be, let's say for example, on a Sunday at
three o'clock in the afternoon, perhaps. In Tokyo that would be
about 11pm; that's not too bad. In some places – like Australia
and New Zealand – people will have to get up at 3am. In some places
people will have to set their alarm clocks or stay awake. They will have
to work out when it will be for them, locally. It depends on where you

Q. Was the Master Who appeared in Tokyo, at your lectures, a woman?

A. No, all the Masters, at the present time, are in male bodies. That is
the case now but will not always be the case in the future. But, of
course, the Masters can appear to people as men and women; then it is as
a `familiar', or temporary self-created body.

Q. I have noticed an increase of contrails in the skies of Orange
County, California, USA. Actually, they seem to fit the definition of
chemtrails, as the jets circle back to leave criss-cross patterns of
expanding clouds in the sky. (1) Is this the US government trying to
keep control over the populace after the Day of Declaration? (2) Or are
these a sign of Maitreya's emergence?

A. (1) No. (2) No.

Q. When asked what he thought of Western civilization, Gandhi reportedly
answered: "It would be a good idea." (1) May I ask what you
think of the current state of the US healthcare system? (2) Is universal
healthcare a feasible goal – not only in the USA, but in each

A. (1) The current US healthcare system is to my mind divisive and
exclusive, but what I think is not important. Rather, you should ask the
44 millions who cannot afford healthcare what they think about it. (2)
Yes, yes, yes! Totally feasible and attainable if we get our priorities
right and end war, create justice and share the resources of the world.

Q. Regarding the Lisbon Treaty which was ratified on 1 January 2009.
According to spoken and documented evidence, does this mean that the UK
no longer has a constitution as we know it? Many are saying that the
European Union is now a base for a communist dictatorship, whereby the
people have no say in their voting referendums or in their
constitutional rights. That all these things are just a mock smoke
screen to appease the majority of the populace. Does Mr Creme and/or his
Master lend any credence to this?

A. No, I don't lend any credence to it. Nor does my Master.

Q. How can Japan and other developed countries help the world?

A. Instead of making all these useless gadgets, if countries like Japan,
Germany, Britain, America and China really wanted to help the world they
would sell off all the useless gadgets they produce to any fool who
would buy them and donate the money to the starving millions who have
nothing at all.

Q. Does Japan possess nuclear weapons?

A. No. But it has nuclear power stations which are pouring high levels
of nuclear radiation into the atmosphere, polluting it. Remember, there
are thousands of spacecraft from Mars and Venus and other planets
working 24 hours a day to neutralize the radiation pollution in the
etheric levels; 90 per cent of their work is taken up with this task.


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