TurquoiseB wrote:
> In my intro to the great AlterNet article I posted earlier, I termed
> this
> place and its ongoing focus "The World Inside My Head, And Why It's
> Better Than Yours." Having just come from Paris and having interacted
> with the French again, I don't think that is an unfair description of
> FFL.

FFL has a rather weird demographic and that's why it may be a somewhat 
compelling place.  And I wouldn't expect ANY YahooGroup especially FFL 
to even begin to compare with Paris. ;-)

This is after all a "life after TM" group.  The majority aren't with 
"the program" anymore and moved on to other things with some 
"left-behinders" commenting from the peanut gallery.  It's also an open 
topic format or what would be a "General Topics" forum if there were 
such a thing as a TM forum BBS.

You can speak at a level here that on other groups or forums would have 
people think you're crazy because you've assumed some level of knowledge 
the general public doesn't have.  I mix with the public daily but find 
they're really not all that social and when you do mix unless you've 
stumbled across someone with a sophisticated background it is because 
you are discussing some areas they have some familiarity with.  Here 
people have a broader range of interests and expertise.   TM, yoga etc 
are an adjunct in life and something we are only engaged in for a few 
minutes to a couple hours a day and the rest of the having established 
ourselves "in yoga" are out "performing action."  Unless you want to 
specifically discuss yogic philosophy and there are plenty of forums 
that focus only on that this it's often more interesting to discuss 
other things.

Sometimes to go deep into those subjects such as music theory, computer 
programming, politics, the movie industry, you'll get deeper discussions 
for those on boards that specialize in those topics.  Here it is mostly 
light discussion to find what people with a common background think.  
I'm not that hard on FFL unless the topics go off on an nostalgia trend 
and I just skip those threads.

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