Re: Define Spiritual Experience?

[  I can identify with much of your answer, Dick, and so
won't comment on it. I, too, view pretty much every
experience in life as spiritual.

I would merely comment that writing for me is one of
those spiritual experiences, and that the "spiritual"
part comes not from the response to the writing, but
from the writing itself.

I *have* done the spiritual teacher route. It has its
ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade any of them for
anything else. One of those teachers once said, "Writers
write to figure things out." I resonated with that the
moment I heard it, and the wisdom of it has rarely left
my awareness since.

It really doesn't *matter* what the response to the
things that one writes is. The magic is in the writing.
In a way, "writing to figure things out" is remarkably
like Lao-tzu's brilliant definition of the person who
has turned the Taoist Road Trip into an artform: "A
good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent
upon arriving." ]

Well Sir, personality wise we are all different (that is very clever and
complex isn't it) but as for me I did not write it out in order to
figure it out. I was asked to write it out and I thought that was a
silly idea and that it would be a waste of time – and it was a waste
of good time. But having been pressured by so many into doing it
(because they found the poems which were stolen from me and wanted
answers and prose text) I did it for them – never again !  Writing
it was easy, you just tell it as it was and IS.  And given the age of
computers some time later then it was easy to dish it out there, no
problem. The only problem is if you stick around to answers questions on
it. I was of the feeling that if you wrote something then one ought to
stick around in the public domain and answer questions on it - -
DON'T !  Just write your books and have done with it, and let then
blow on the wind. They will just shit over anything which you offer
them.  Or better still don't write them at all. They don't
really want it you know, they just want to fight and look clever.
Bollocks to them.  As for people in history then that is not my ball
park or interest. If ever I get a time machine then I will go take a
look and see what happened, but all the rest is hearsay. But I exist
just as they presumably did and I am just as capable of learning from
life as is any man or beast is. QED.   I AM ! A great wonder, dear
Asklepios is Man, for we are ever tied to the cross of Time and
Eternity. But let them find it out for themselves. Give answers to
worthy cause only.

Dick Richardson

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I can identify with much of your answer, Dick, and so
> won't comment on it. I, too, view pretty much every
> experience in life as spiritual....

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