From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 3:52 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Joke To Help Nabby Lighten Up
--- In
<> , "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:

reading Judith's book. 

Sorry, but you're still refferring to what other people say as if it was a
Not a "reality". Reality can't be fully conveyed in words. But words are the
best we've got in most circumstances. Do you ever read books, watch TV,
etc.? If so, then you must give some credence to what they say, or you
wouldn't bother. You're probably dismissing Judith's book out of hand
because it challenges your cherished notions. It must have taken a lot of
courage for her to have come out with a book like that. It always takes
courage to be a whistle blower. Fortunately, some people have that courage
and have evolved out of the pack mentality.
My point is that even though you at a point in history was around Maharishi
it seems obvious that you did not understand His agenda.
Maybe not. Please explain it if you wish.

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