Turquoise and whomever,

You are whatever your state of mind is in the present moment.  

If you hold some rather special belief in the present moment it is like you are 
at the base of a stairway where you can't see past the top landing. I don't 
care for stairways much.  They are rather boring and not well decorated.

In my most sublime and beautiful moments I have forgotten all beliefs because 
the present moment is more than enough in and of itself.  Enlightenment should 
be beyond all beliefs and the present moment stands on it's own with no 
yearning, if the definition of the word is to have good meaning.

The shadow creatures that you mention do represent the lowest common 
denominator, and I see them for what they are, and in that aspect they are 
beautiful too as you point out, and just a little informative too.  Beautiful 

All blog sites that bear close proximity to spiritual movements which have 
opened doors to expanded awareness and light, if they are not heavily 
moderated, attract shadow creature trolls.  A site with TMO moderated mode 
would be way too boring.

Could be that if the moderator set up this blog site in a more advanced format, 
where there were catigories, a mosh pit, and the ability to easily embed photos 
and video screens, it would be more useful to most users.  But that might be 
easier said than done.

Got to go to work, but I feel like hiking in the hills today.  It is mushroom 

From: TurquoiseB <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 4:29:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL as Tabloid: The joy of the lowest common 

Just now I went out to sit in one of my favorite cafes 
and relax for a bit before getting back to work. During
the summer I almost never drink alcohol (because doing
so puts me right to sleep once the weather gets hot),
but I still like the cafe scene because 1) watching the 
passersby is like a never-ending movie, and 2) the cafes
I hang out at have copies of the British tabloids lying
around for me to read.

For Americans who don't know, British tabloids are like
the National Enquirer, only more low-brow and more lowest
common denominator. I love to read them to...uh...stay in
touch with reality. One does *not* IMO get a very clear
picture of reality by reading the high-brow or intellectual
papers, but one gets a *very* clear picture of it by read-
ing the tabloids. Given their circulation figures, these
publications are read by more people on the planet than
any other, and thus reflect what they're really thinking 
about and interested in -- where they're at, state of 
attention-wise. I sit there sipping my fruit juice or 
bubbly water and chuckle myself silly at the "Aliens ate 
my baby" and "Conservative MP found naked in WC with naked 
Liberal MP" and "Sylvia Famousforfiveminutes gets new boob 
job" articles. Keeps me grounded in reality. :-)

What I realized today, after scanning through several of
these tabloids, is that this is exactly why I enjoy FFL
as well.

Given the decidedly low-brow, unhip nature of the TMO
in today's spiritual marketplace, reading a forum on
which most have paid their dues in such a pop movement 
(and I cheerfully include myself in that description)
is often more of a "wake-up" than my morning coffee.

Take the things that FFL has been fascinated with lately.
Endless posts about "spiritual celebrities," *not* IMO
all that different than the tabloid fascination with
more mundane celebrities. Endless musings on wingnut
theories (or claims that they're fact) from the Right,
Left, and Middle Way. Endless trotting out of "science"
to "prove" something that has in no way been proved by
the "science" cited. Endless political squabbles. 
Endless ego contests and personality clashes. 


I find that entertaining, especially on a forum whose
own "lowest common denominator" is that most of the
people on it once believed (or still believe) that the
technique they practice (or practiced) is the bestest,
most effective form of spiritual development on the
frickin' planet, and that this makes them "special,"
less lowest common denominator.

As my favorite saying these days says so well, "In theory 
there is no difference between theory and practice, but 
in practice there is." In theory, a group of folks who
have practiced "the best" form of meditation available
for 30 to 40+ years should represent by the things they
focus on and show interest in the professed goals or 
claimed results of such a meditation. In practice, they're 
just folks, as stuck in the lowest common denominator as 
anyone else.

Some might find that dismaying. I find it entertaining.


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