--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > Paramatman is supremely independent. Those who think "He is the 
> > > unmanifest and is not manifest," or "He is manifest, not unmanifest," 
> > > have not understood the teaching about Paramatman's essence. Taking one 
> > > side or the other, they start fighting. We should not become involved in 
> > > the argument about manifest and unmanifest. The One who is manifest is 
> > > also the unmanifest. 
> > > 
> > 
> > ekaM sad, vipraa bahudhaa vadanti!
> > 
> > -- RSi Diirghatamas, RV I 164
> >
> "Interesting" word, that 'vipra'! It seems to appear very 
> often in the RV, especially in the 1st maNDala, in its
> various inflectional forms.
> Above it's in the nominative plural (vipraaH). The visarga (H)
> at the end disappears because of sandhi (in this case, before
> the *voiced* consonant 'b' in 'bahudhaa'; so, the pada-paaTha
> would prolly be: ekam; sat; vipraaH; bahudhaa vadanti)
> Ralph T.H. Griffith translates 'vipraaH' above to 'sages':
> To what is One, sages give many a title...
> Now, 'vipra' seems to be derived form the root 'vip':
> vip, vepate   1 ({-ti}) tremble, quake, vibrate; C. {vepayati} shake, [[,]] 
> agitate. --
> vipra a. stirred inwardly, inspired, wise, learned, clever; m. seer, poet, 
> singer, priest, a Brahman.

In the "famous" Amarakosha, 'vipra' *seems* to refer to the
braahmaNa "caste" (varNa):

vipraxatriyaviT shuudraashchaaturvarNyamiti sm.rtam

(vipra-kSatriya-viT[= vaishya??] shuudraash chaatur-
varNyam iti smRtam)

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