Rick Archer got his dream mark of over 1000 votes from initial  symbolic
meager 96
Rick's Audition
Fairfield, IA
Traditional Talk Show
938 views      1,090 votes\

there are very nice comments on oprah's  Star homepage, too
here  some samples:
"Rick's show validates a change is happening to us collectively while 
singularly through a wireless universal network. His show represents the
universe is a network of diamonds. When you witness one person light up 
the whole network lights up instantly. Rick enthusiasm to connect with 
ordinary beings that are experiencing the ex-ordinary is what all great 
masters teach: each of us: Spiritual Beings having a human experience. 
It is time to witness the meek inheriting the earth. A stop at the gas 
pump shows we can't hold the Sun back. Rick success is our success. 
Awareness has no mirrors.  I see him in-between the reflections of 
constant change. patzee0
What  Rick says is also my experience, humanity is awakening to 
something extraordinary and at the same time very ordinary, our true 
nature as peace-love- awareness. It seems that only this collective 
awakening can prevent humanity's rush toward
A show like Rick's may inspire many others to pursue enlightenment. His 
concept of interviewing ordinary folks having extraordinary insights 
offers hope & inspiration, a much needed message for our challenging 
Rick will help the every day Joe learn what it is that defines awakening
and how to digest it in easy to understand interviews ...mahdeealoo

He really highlights the diversity of the experience of the journey. But
he brings it back to the commonality, the thread that runs through all 
journeys. Plus the naturalness of the process, something we have long 
thought to be rare or special. ...dfbear8"

Keep going Rick , go go for it

Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on us, for sure
so spill over the BuddhaAtTheGasPump pure

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