On Jul 9, 2010, at 10:34 AM, randyanand wrote:
> Oh and by the way, many months ago we got into a discussion about the 
> Shankaracharya tradition. You stated it was part of the Vaishnava tradition.  
> I disagreed and said it was a Shaivite tradition. We went back and forth on 
> this and I finally realized who I was dealing with.  You are not interested 
> in the facts about things, only your opinions.  Well, for the record, I have 
> since been to india and visited the Shankaracharya ashram in Allahabad, the 
> Shankaracharya ashram in Kanchipuram and one of the heads of the Juna Akhara 
> of Naga Babas.

And hopefully this long-distance, undoubtedly very-expensive
trip was made for a greater purpose than just showing
Vaj to be "wrong."

>  They all confirmed that the Shankaracharya tradition is not asociated with 
> the Vaishnava tradition, it is in fact a Shaivite tradition.  

And, like, who gives a crap?

These arcane, musty details of something that almost 
nobody else knows (or cares) anything about will get you
exactly what, randy?

> So here I can definitely cite my sources and say, sorry dude, you were wrong. 
>  Although knowing you, you'll prpbably come back and say you never said that, 
> or twist your words so you will not appear wrong.
> You are entitiled to your opinions Vaj.  Just realize, that like all of us, 
> you sometime may be wrong.

randy, just out of curiosity, do you actually have  a life
outside of wallowing in esoteric details that make
you feel "special"?  


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