--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> authfriend wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >   
> >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AVyw93sf88&annotation_id=annotation_934611&feature=iv
> >
> > My *God*, the amount of misinformation in that video is
> > staggering. And that's even though a good half of it, or
> > more, repeats the same clips over and over and over.
> >
> > The insistent, deliberate repetition is what should tell
> > you it's propaganda rather than honest reporting, even if
> > you don't actually know what the facts are.
> Can you be more specific about what misinformation is given?

Not without practically writing a book. But two quick 
points: It's not the case that almost all the folks who
worked on the Exxon Valdez cleanup have died; and it's
not the case that BP defied the EPA in continuing to
use Corexit.

> BTW, the style of this video is to use various clips to make
> their point.  So they start with a statement of position then
> refer back to it again when there is a contradiction.  Nothing
> wrong with that.  Sure maybe you prefer just a  straight ahead 
> report but this probably plays better to a younger crowd.

It's a propaganda technique, Bhairitu. You'd realize this
instantly if it were promoting something you disagreed with.

> As for misinformation I've heard a lot about this over the
> past few weeks from people raising flags when Corexit was
> first sprayed in that what it does is sink the oil or clump
> it so it is not so visible.  IOW, it is NOT really solving
> the problem but getting it out of the picture.

Nobody ever said it "solved the problem." It's a tradeoff
between two problems: it disperses the oil so it doesn't
kill the wetlands and marshes; but it creates oxygen-poor
areas in the ocean where fish and other sea creatures spawn,
killing them, and the oil and gas molecules that don't get
eaten also kill the sea life.

It doesn't make the oil "clump together," it *disperses* it
so the oil-eating microbes in the ocean can get at it more
easily. That process is what depletes the oxygen.

Dispersant is never a *good* choice, it can only be a *less-
bad* choice. Current thinking is that the areas of the deep
ocean affected by the dispersed oil will eventually be able
to clean themselves up so that it will support sea life again,
but once the marshes and wetlands are destroyed, there's no
way to bring them back. And besides the birds and fish and
other wildlife they support, they also help protect the
Gulf Coast from hurricanes.

> Rawstory report:
> http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0710/toxicologist-shrimpers-exposed-oilcorexit-mix-suffered-bleeding-rectum/
> And this site has a "youth oriented" excellent report by G4 (game 
> channel) where some of the clips for the above video originated.
> http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/g4-corexitoil-eats-through-boat-hulls-kidneys-photosvideo
> And finally a bit of British humor regarding BP:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig-SeZmL3YA
> BP: Biohazard Provocateurs

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