article below from
Here's another article on ECE (Ecklonia Cava extract) from Natural News:

--- In, Yifu Xero <yifux...@...> wrote:
> Now available from Swansons in Fargo ND.  I may get some....looks like a 
> great 
> product.  $7.00 for 30 caps. (relatively expensive but that's the cheapest 
> this 
> product gets.  Undergoes specialized patented processing and is imported 
> from 
> Korea.
> The Superior Polyphenol Antioxidant
> Many Times Stronger Than Green Tea Extract
> Ecklonia Cava Extract: Polyphenol / Phlorotannin Derived from Brown Algae 
> Ecklonia Cava Extract known as (ECE) is a standardized organic complex of 
> unique 
> aquatic molecules that come from a specific species of brown algae (Ecklonia 
> cava). Polyphenols are a group of chemical compounds found in plants, 
> recognized 
> by the presence of more than one phenol cluster per molecule. ECE represents 
> a 
> unique category of polyphenols normally called phlorotannins. Their unique 
> polyphenolic structure endows them with biological activities which are not 
> found in ground-based plants. Various physiological activities have been 
> evaluated in both the individual compounds that we find in ECE and in the 
> more 
> complex forms through in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies.
> Millions on Research
> Dr. Haengwoo Lee and his team have spent over 32 million dollars on research, 
> from in vitro to animal and human studies. Much of the work has been done in 
> Korea, and some was done at the University of Washington. Ecklonia cava has 
> been 
> found to be a very impressive therapeutic supplement for a wide variety of 
> health conditions.
> ________________________________
> The potency of an antioxidant is often determined by its molecular structure, 
> which is made up of rings. These rings provide the antioxidant function. Most 
> flavonoids generally have three connected rings. ECE has up to eight 
> interconnected rings, making its free-radical scavenging ability 10-100 times 
> more powerful than other polyphenols. It is considerably stronger than green 
> tea 
> catechins.
> Variable  Antioxidant Profiles of ECE
> Ecklonia Cava’s strength against various free radicals is known to be 
> highly 
> potent. ECE itself and its individual components have demonstrated potent 
> reducing power and scavenging activities against free radicals such as 
> oxidized 
> LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and peroxynitrite (a powerful free radical that 
> appears 
> to play a major role in many disease processes). 
> A Longer Half-Life 
> ECE is a distinctive polyphenol in that it has a very long half-life (remains 
> in 
> the body longer). This is because ECE is a ocean-based polyphenol that is 40% 
> fat-soluble. practically all other polyphenols are derived from land-based 
> plants and are water-soluble. The half-life of ECE is up to 12 hours, 
> compared 
> to 30 minutes for water-soluble, land-based polyphenols. Because it is 
> fat-soluble, ECE also has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. 
> The Research of Martin Pall, Ph.D. 
> Peroxynitrite is the most notorious of the free radicals incriminated by 
> Martin 
> Pall, Ph.D.'s groundbreaking research on multiple chemical sensitivity, 
> fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder, Gulf 
> War 
> syndrome, and fourteen other conditions. Peroxynitrite plays a main role in 
> Dr. 
> Pall’s mechanism, along with NF-kappaB (an important inflammatory 
> mediator). ECE 
> has been found to reduce NF-kappaB as well.
> ________________________________
> Safety
> "Ecklonia Cava Extract is derived from an edible specie of brown 
> algea that is 
> harvested from the waters off the coast of Japan, Korea and China. A unique 
> patented water extraction process is used to discard all unecessary plant 
> materials and stringent microbiological tests are done before it 
> is authenticated to be totally safe for human consumption. Thousands of 
> people 
> throughout Asia have been consuming this specie of algea for centuries. 
>  All 
> studies indicate that there are no toxicity at any level. 
> Numerous clinical 
> tests have been done and no adverse effects have been found at any human 
> dose 
> level of 1-10mg/kg".

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