--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" <turquoi...@...>
wrote:>> > That's just my approach to the spiritual smorgasbord.> I hold
NO ONE to be an absolute "authority." NO ONE.> They were just guys --
and the occasional gal -- who> had OPINIONs, that's all. Those OPINIONs
are of use> to me only if intuitively they seem to match my > real-life
Two keywords The Turqster always uses is "authority" and "real life
Why Authority is the first keyword?
Turqster's experiences with false Guru have scarred him so much that any
word that somehow resembles coming from an authority (unless of course
it's his experience..LOL, I know..a contradiction...but please don't
make a big fuss about it) results in full blown outbreak of his SPC. To
newcomers SPC stands for "Small Penis Complex", a horrible disease that
he suffers because of the aforementioned reasons. So anyone who comes in
sharing anything remotely to do with any spiritual awakening or
experiences(Jim, Rory et al.) he responds in a highly childish, petulant
So I please request everyone to let me handle this matter as his
personal physician and please show him all the love and compassion he
surely deserves. No personal attacks on Turqster will be tolerated by
Why "real life experience is the second keyword?
This is a logical corollary if you understand his distaste of authority,
his wounds and traumas resulting in SPC. The use of Intuition by
Trickster, err....Turqster is just a distraction here, don't get
confused. Because of his SPC, Turqster completely discards heart and
intuition in favor his intellect. And he uses his logic only and
discards all subjective experiences, feelings, emotions.
Alas the poor fellow doesn't realize that Intellect is very cunning, is
a servant of the ego and not of the higher self. Intellect is a whore,
it goes to the highest bidder..LOL..but shhshh...I request everyone to
just play along with that whore of his...rest assured Ravi Yogi's on it
and things are under control.

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