Please no subjective experiences, we need to clearly understand why we
should enjoy these pictures.
Explain clearly as to why we should enjoy these pictures in a 2 to 3
paragraph essay. Please include
1) Clear examples of at least 3 people who have had a noticeable
difference in their life that would muster up to scientific inquiry
after visiting these places. Everyone should include theri bios, medical
history, X-Rays, CAT scans etc.2) These experiences shouldn't be
subjective (what the fuck does enjoyable and magical mean anyway?)3) No
one should be an authority, should not quote any poet, mystic, Gurus, no
adjectives period..4) Anything else you deem necessary for us to
clearly, methodically and logically analyze this.

--- In, "TurquoiseB" <turquoi...@...>
> ...passed along for your enjoyment.
> The first is a composite: the same scene photographed every day for a
> year, and then put together to present a kind of full-year timescape:
>   []
> <>
> The second strikes a real resonance with me because I've hiked Arches
> National Park at night, and this photo is like deja vu. The Four
> area is one of the least populated areas of America, and magical as a
> result:
>   []
> <>

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