--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <wg...@...> wrote:
> Turq's problem is he believes that since a trail guide map 
> (for instance,i.e.Religion) is man made, it is unreliable, 
> which is really a no-brainer as the only way to prove if 
> the map is accurate is to walk the path yourself.
> You don't dismiss all the experiences of the past (past 
> trail guide maps) because they themselves are subject to 
> errors! Only a moron would believe everything and everybody 
> at face value but perhaps that is what Turq did when he 
> became a Siddha (or a TM'er)?

Billy, since you admit above that all paths (trail
guides) are prone to errors, doesn't it follow that
only a moron would consider any of them infallible
and worth following as if they were gospel or Truth?

> It's called throwing out the baby with the bath water!
> Turq, there can be no *proof* of God other than your 
> OWN experience! 

Billy, this is why we can never agree. Subjective
experience is NOT "proof." It's only subjective
experience. That may be enough to convince *you*
of God's existence, but that's the only person on
the planet you can ever convince using your subjec-
tive experience as an argument. 

I'm NOT denying the value of making one's own
judgments based on one's own subjective experiences.
I do that, too. I just don't call it "proof," because
it isn't and never will be.

For example, I've seen siddhis performed that other
people here only talk about, and have never experienced
personally. That doesn't mean that they existed, or
"prove" anything about their existence; it's only an 
assertion on my part that I experienced them. Unlike
you, I am content to *leave it* at that assertion;
I seek to "prove" nothing to anyone. That's what 
people who are selling something do; I am selling

> If you wish to reinvent the wheel and forgo all the 
> experiences and teachings of the past that is your 
> choice, though I would submit not a very good one!

It's also something I have never said. You made it
up and attributed it to me. I follow lots of advice
from past teachings; I just don't hold any of them
to be infallible or Truth. The ones I still follow
worked out for me, that's all. If they stop working
for me, I'll drop them in an instant and never
think about them again. I owe none of these teach-
ings or suggestions any allegiance just because
they worked for me for a while, at one stage of
my spiritual development. 

> Everything is taken on Faith until it becomes your 
> own direct experience, even simple directions to the 
> post office! 

Everything in the spiritual realm is taken on faith 
even after you have validated it to your satisfaction
via direct experience. Your experience with non-
verifiable phenomena proves nothing, *except to you*. 
Someday you may understand this.
> Roll up your sleeves you have to walk the path yourself, 
> there is no such thing as an infallible Religion until 
> you yourself KNOW it to be so!

Billy, you always get carried away and write too much
when you should have stopped when you had a winner.
In this case, you should have stopped with "...there
is no such thing as an infallible religion."  :-)

> Correct me if I'm wrong....

I did.

Billy, I'm NOT challenging your personal experience 
or declaring it "wrong." I'm just trying to remind
you what it is -- a completely unverifiable subjective
experience. That is all it is, and all it will remain.
No experience you ever have of a phenomenon that can't
be objectively verified will allow you to claim that 
you "KNOW" something. That's just hubris, narcissism, 
and self-importance IMO.

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