> > > > > But it's these kind of statements and actions 
> > > > > (putting the congressman in gun cross-hairs) 
> > > > > that creates an atmosphere where the unhinged 
> > > > > feel they have the OK to go ahead...
> > > > >
> > "The images long described as crosshairs or rifle 
> > sights were actually just surveyor's symbols..."
> >
> Not.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/scriptingnews/5339914742
So, you're suggesting that Palin wanted someone to shoot 
Giffords with a gun, so Palin had a bullseyes put on her 
site? That's what it sounds like, that you're saying the
shooter saw the symbols on Palin's web site and then
bought a gun to shoot Giffords. Do you have any evidence
that the shooter saw Palin's web site?

> "The images long described as crosshairs or rifle 
> sights were actually just surveyor's symbols..."
> The Atlantic, January 9, 2011
> http://tinyurl.com/2dcwj6b

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