> "The disease of the neo-cons and their enablers 
> sickens the nation..."
So, let's blame the 'neo-cons' and their enablers
for the recent Arizona massacre. Forget toning
down the rhetoric! Let's do something about those
gun-owners and politicians.
> "The billionaires paying for this are beyond 
> contempt... 
Kill the Jewish Cabal!!! Kill all the neo-cons 
rats!!! Kill all the enablers too!!!

> "The Bush family..." 
Don't you just hate that Bush family! Gawd, now 
they're targeting 9-year old children in Arizona. 

The Bush's were probably behind the Kennedy 
killings, and the Martin Luther King murder.

> The Murdochs. The Rockefellers..." 
Shit, the Murdochs and the Rockefellers probably 
started the fukin' Civil War!

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