--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Right wingers are falling all over themselves saying, "It's not my fault, the 
> crazy guy is responsible for shooting people." Even if NOT directly accused, 
> they're busily scrubbing websites, saying Loughner was a lefty, gun-sight 
> cross-hairs were surveyor's cross-hairs, and Sheriff Dupnik who never says 
> "right-wing vitriol" or "conservative hate speech" — or even mentioned Faux 
> News or El Rushbo gets accused of stirring more vitriol when he simply called 
> for more civility. The right wing certainly acts like they own it. What say 
> you?
> http://tinyurl.com/479c3l8
> http://firedoglake.com/2011/01/10/early-morning-swim-fox-news-megyn-kelly-browbeats-arizona-sheriff-for-speaking-out-against-vitriolic-rhetoric/

Just a "drive by" post...

Even "progressives" succumb to casual hate-speech.

I know this might seem to be from far-away Brit land,
but George Monbiot is a VERY important player in the
climate debate globally. He (and the Guardian) are on
the side of what many here would take a priori to be
the "goodies".

So what do we say we about this kind of hate-speech?

"Every time someone dies as a result of floods in
Bangladesh, an airline executive should be dragged
out of his office and drowned."


Just recently the coldest December in the UK for around
100 years caused widespread travel chaos, especially for
those trying to fly. Imagine, in the light of Monbiot's
comment, if some deranged loonie had had a pop at an
airline boss! Say Richard Branson...

In my view intemperance is all bad - but it's not 
always "owned" by the Right is it? Or in the US of A
is it really divided up cleanly and simply between
goodiea and baddies on right/left ("progressive") lines?

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