I often don't understand why companies want to locate in SF because of 
the much higher rent.  It must be for the "prestige".  Office space is 
much cheaper around other parts of the Bay Area.  I  had an unsolicited 
offer to apply for a gig at a smart phone company that was adding 
Android to their line up.  It was in a very nice part of town and yes 
their offices were actually there (instead of it being a rented mail 
box).  The position was a little junior for me and also I wouldn't like 
the commute anyway.

On 01/09/2011 03:11 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
> If I have to, I'll use a garage. When I worked in the City, it was costing me 
> 240/mo. for a parking space, and that was a few years ago. Other than that I 
> go to areas like GG park where I've got my favorite places to park.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozg...@...>  wrote:
>> How do you find parking in SF?  I always think they ought to rename the
>> city "no parking."  Hence I almost NEVER go there.  In fact most folks
>> who live in the East Bay never like to cross that bridge. :-D
>> On 01/09/2011 01:40 PM, whynotnow7 wrote:
>>> All sounds great - Because of the hills in SF, I find going to  Chinatown 
>>> is the closest to visiting Hong Kong without going there. Every time I 
>>> drive up to SF it is an adventure. The Bay Area too is so full of micro 
>>> environments that you can easily experience whatever you want here, coast, 
>>> rural, urban, mountains.

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