Indeed a good one, but why not let this demon loose to join this dance
as well and post it anyway?

--- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> Hey, you want to hear a funny story?
> I was all set to write yet another post illustrating the
projection-nature of our personal demons, whether they be the Bully, the
Liar, the Inept Raja, the Corrupt and Greedy Capitalist, the TM
Tru-Believer, the Angry and Violent Right-Winger, the Internet Stalker
and Attention Vampire, the Charlatan Guru, the Sleeping Sidha, etc.
etc., and showing how railing against them or trying to change them is
simply resisting our own essence, resisting "evil," resisting What IS,
kicking against the thorns, holding onto a lie (i.e., the lie that it
OUGHT to be different than it IS), and so on.
> And then I noticed that my own bodymind was a bit contracted while I
was thinking this post out. Aha! As always, it comes back to the Self.
What am I subtly resisting? Where's my own personal demon here?
> It turns out that my subtle personal demon was Suffering, Ignorance,
really Mara or Maya Herself.
> Ha! We are One! I see now where our incarnation as the Buddha actually
> Let the dance continue!
> *Love*Light*Laughter* and all the Illusions, forever!
> :-)

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