On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Peter <drpetersutp...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I was introduced to bhakti by SSRS. For me bhakti is a deep almost
> transcendent love that isn't just towards the guru, but towards all of life.
> The guru is the starting off point for that love to flow because the guru is
> that transcendent Absolute in human form. You start off relating to the
> human form of the guru, but it quickly is recognized that what draws you
> towards him or her is not the personality but that transcendent value that
> pulls you deeply and profoundly. The guru allows you to relate on the level
> of waking state to that Absolute. And that Absolute relates back to you.
> Bhakti is not a one way street and that is what makes your hair stand on
> end! The Absolute knows your name and talks to you. It is a profoundly
> refined emotional experience that you drown in. It is Self flowing back into
> Self.
Peter, thanks and bless you for this.  You've put in words what I've felt
but couldn't put into words.  It explains a lot to me about what I
experience.  I look at SSRS's picture and can't rouse up devotion to or even
a fleeting emotion for the man.   I thought something was wrong.  What
happened to me was that a couple days of devotion and gratitude for the man
broadened to encompass all the man embodies and represents.   I do
experience the Absolute knowing my name and talking to me.  Indeed it is the
Self flowing back into Self.   This flowing happens in the background or if
you want to give it focus and attention, in center stage.  Whichever, It
ever flow.

Jai Guru Dev

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