On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 3:55 PM, John <jr_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> He lived a good life.  Most people can't exercise like he did.  But he
> promoted the idea of fitness for everyone at their own pace.  The people of
> San Francisco would miss him.
Reminds me.  I was flying cross country from Dullas to San Francisco.
Brought with me yet another classic I wanted to re-read., *Two Years Before
the Mast*.   I had already read accounts of how hard Californians worked.
In Northern California it could a career.  Southern California., perhaps
also work 200% of the time on self improvement.  I definitely agreed to
that.  Anyhow, came Dana's arrival into Northern California.  Dana said
something to the effect that Californians are a slovenly lot and went on to
elaborate.  Doesn't describe SF, California and definitely did not describe
Jack.  Thank you, Jack.

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