--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> *** My unsolicited lecture on putdowns-masked-as-humor 
> notwithstanding, I too would be happy to see Curtis -- 
> and Marek as well -- return here. 

There's a way to make that happen. Say something new.
Something creative, original, and that hasn't been
said and debated ad nauseum 100 times before.

I read the things they post on other forums, and 
that's what they tend to post, and to respond to. If
they're not present on Fairfield Life, the reason is
that it's BORING here for them. Both are creative
people, and they seek the company of other creative
people. There are individuals here who consistently
make 40 to 50 posts a week without once writing an
original thought. That gets old after a while.

Another hint might be dropping the idea either that
anyone would benefit from a "lecture" from you or
that you have the right to deliver one. Just sayin'.
Curtis is the quintessence of "We're all bozos on
this bus," meaning that he sees the people in his
life as his equals. People who feel equal to those
around them don't "lecture." Only those who feel
superior in some way do that. 

That's why Curtis and I don't "do" gurus any more. 
It's really rare to find one who doesn't talk down 
to people, as if it's in his or her "job description" 
to make these other people more like them. It's like
seeing the same bad "B" movie over and over, only
with different actors. What a bore. Same thing when
it happens on an Internet chat group.

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