--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> Rory wrote:
> >> > * * * This post was primarily intended for those of Us who might feel 
> >> > they have a problem with one of Us being angry, boring, pedantic, 
> >> > nauseating, a liar, ignorant, suffering, etc. etc., and would like to 
> >> > change that "other's" behavior so that *they* will feel more comfortable 
> >> > -- the classic stance of the suffering addict in Us :-)
> <<whynotnow7@> wrote:
> > **pretzel logic?! - lol
> * * * Yes! Exactly! I basically type this stuff only to meet and love more of 
> myself, to bring up hitherto-unconscious resistances in me, for me to become 
> aware of, love, and integrate! I find FFL works beautifully for that :-)
>  > > > It looks to me as if we're *all* constantly jabbering away at our own 
> reflections -- I find that incredibly humorous, personally, but it doesn't 
> stop me from doing it!
> <Snippus Magnus>
> Jim wrote: **"deeper into Purusha/Shiva or Prakrit/Shakti" - what is the 
> relationship to Vishnu here, please?
> > > 
> Rory wrote: * * * What is the relationship to Vishnu? Beats me. I was simply 
> using a Spirit-Matter (or -Body) duality, with the I AM as Soul in the middle 
> of the two. We could say that these are the three metagunas, with Shiva being 
> Spirit or infinite expansion into Ecstasy, and Vishnu/Indra being Matter or 
> infinite contraction into Love, and Brahma being the I AM or the 
> consciousness-balance of Light, but it's just a model. Each end wraps into 
> and embraces the other, if we go far enough into infinity in any direction. 
> None of it is really Us, anyway, as we are simply the Great Mystery, it's 
> only a perpective rendering of our body-of-manifestation from one point of 
> view :-)
> Jim wrote: **"Vishnu/Indra being Matter or infinite contraction into Love,"
> > Thanks, this is what I was looking for, and the contrasting dynamic of 
> > Shiva is helpful too. Personally I was primarily exposed to Shiva's energy 
> > for years (association with Brahmananda Saraswati), and then out of the 
> > blue kind of recently, Vishnu - both as "meta-gunas". (FFL Disclaimer: 
> > conceptual only, its all about me, blah, blah, blah.) :-) 
> > >  
> * * * You're most welcome. Yes! Exactly -- "it's all about me, blah, blah, 
> blah" -- *lol* Thus we speak, eternally :-)

Yes you two old characters are such bores, always speaking of mechanics of 
consciousness ! 

Much like these two:

Jim and Rory; shut up your face !

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