Oops, for some reason I got "Into the Void" instead of "Enter the Void" 
stuck in my mind.

On 02/02/2011 01:08 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Not for bliss ninnies and this film might even freak David Lynch out.
> For the bold Netflixers it is available WI and I watched it last night.
> It's about a young drug dealer who is killed and what he experiences
> after death.  There are some tie-ins with the "Tibetan Book of the Dead"
> which he had been reading before he was killed.
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1191111/
> Porn warning: young filmmakers seem to have decided that simulation is
> not enough and don't mess around.  But it is part of the story line.
> "Cloverfield" alert as it is shot very much that style hand held.  There
> is an annoying flickered or dark frame in the first scenes until you
> realized it is due to the neon light outside the guys apartment.  The
> opening title or credits seem to be designed to scare away any but the
> grunge community.
> Sad commentary on the state of civilization?  That may have been the
> filmmaker's point.

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