--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Exactly. My point is that many here are WAY strung
> out on the "pat answers" they've been parroting for
> decades, and at this point cannot live without them.
> They react to those who suggest that the "pat answers"
> ARE drugs exactly the same way that junkies react to
> those might suggest that their neighborhood dealers
> are not nice guys who are merely filling a societal
> need. :-)
I've got to say, this strikes me as a harsh assessment, and I really
don't recogize anyone who fits this description.  I mean Nabby trots out
the party line on regular basis and Shukra does it on occassion, but for
those who regularly engage in discussion I don't see it.  As you
challenged me recently to give evidence of a statement I made, would you
care to offer some evidence of this, your statement?

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