My interest into movies is almost nil. Prolly because
there might be some bad "chip" in my brains
that prevents me from enjoying most movies. Some of
the exceptions are Laurel and Hardy, the Finnish
director Aki Kaurismäki's films and Clint Eastwood
stuff. OTOH, e.g. Inland Empire is IMO really boring.

I guess it's not hard to understand why I "sat through"
Love Guru. Tend to agree with the host of "one-starrers"
on IMDB:

"How did Mike Myers get a career in Hollywood, period? none of his films are 
funny. Not even Wayne's World. Sure, I used to laugh like an idiot as his 
Austin Powers films when I was little, but keep in mind, I was a kid, I would 
be amused by anything, even if it's stupid today. I had somewhat of a hope for 
it because of Romany Malco who did pretty well in 40-year old virgin, I liked 
his character and it's a shame he signed on to this crap-fest of a film. Hell, 
SuperHero Movie is funnier than this crap.

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