Yesterday I made one simple post about M.O. (Modus Operandi),
relating it to a theoretical FFL poster's oft-stated beliefs
in the non-existence of free will, contrasted with that 
theoretical person's M.O. of continually -- for *years* --
attacking and berating other people for not using their 
free will. I pointed out that this doesn't make any sense.
I just posted it for fun, and (to be honest) to see how 
long it would take the theoretical person whose M.O. I 
was describing to demonstrate that M.O. 

Six hours and seven posts later, the theoretical person is
*still* freaking out over the difference between her belief
system (her talk) and her M.O. (her walk) being pointed out,
even if theoretically. Meanwhile I just kicked back, read a
good book, and allowed her to rant, and thus demonstrate 
exactly the M.O. I was talking about. Do less, accomplish 
more.  :-)

I found a video this morning that kinda captured the whole
scene for me. In it, a character on a subway demands loudly 
to be treated with the respect he mistakenly believes is 
due him. This involves trying to intimidate everyone around 
him into calling what he'd *like* to be called, "Bloody Loco." 
Completely unaware that everyone around him is thinking the 
last part of that name but leaving off the first part :-), 
he just won't stop -- some would say CAN'T stop -- harassing 
his victim. He keeps yelling at him, trying to get a reaction 
-- ANY reaction, as if he desperately *needs* that reaction 
to continue to believe in his own pitiful existence. 

The "Bloody Loco" guy's part in this video is rather sad.
But the cool part, and the part worth watching IMO, is 
performed by his intended victim, who does nothing more than 
sit there refusing to be victimized, and refusing to pay the 
loudmouth any attention.

Does this video capture the "scene" at Fairfield Life, 
or what? NOTHING freaks out the people who get in other
people's faces in a desperate attempt to get their 
victims to focus on them than the intended victims 
*ignoring their silly asses*. 

It's like being ignored -- as if they didn't exist, or
weren't worth paying attention to if they did -- rein-
forces their deepest fears (that they don't, and aren't).
The more they're ignored, the more insane they get, and
the more they redouble their sad attempts to "get" 
their victims. 

The only thing I'm not quite sure of is which of the
posters on FFL whose M.O. this is to call "Bloody 
Loco." There are at least three, and sometimes more,
posters whose M.O. this is, and who thus deserve the 
"title." I guess I'll just have to wait to see which 
of them replies first to this post. That'll settle
things, and we'll all know who to call "Bloody Loco" 
from then on.  :-)

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