--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@> wrote:
> >
> > I certainly was told that I'd be able to fly once I completed 
> > my TM Sidhi course. Year after year, starting with the first 
> > preparatory courses then going on to the CIC courses. I've 
> > seen numerous TMO websites where flying was stated. 
> My suspicion is that these claims were never run
> past the TMO lawyers until after the fact; that is,
> until after TBs had printed up the posters or made
> the websites and put these claims out in public.
> My further suspicion is that the TMO lawyers looked
> at the claims, looked at the reports of actual flying
> from the course (none), and then proclaimed, "I don't
> think we have to worry about it. Anyone who is willing
> to spend several thousand dollars on a course that
> promises him he will FLY is far too guru-whipped to 
> ever sue us for fraud, even though technically that's 
> what it is. So there is no problem. Keep doing what 
> you're doing, Maharishi." Then the lawyers would sign 
> their advisory letter with a hearty "Jai Guru Dev." :-)

For the record, the posters reproduced here are *very*
early ones that weren't in circulation for long.

And at some point the lawyers *did* start worrying, 
most likely after the TMO *was* sued for fraud by
someone who had taken the TM-Sidhis course (e.g.,
Robert Kropinski; I believe there were some others as
well). When I applied for the TM-Sidhis in 1986, I had
to sign a statement that I understood no guarantees
were being made as to the results of the course.

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