--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> KARACHI, May 22: Armed militants stormed into a naval airbase here on Sunday 
> night, destroyed three aircraft and killed at least five people — four navy 
> personnel and a foreigner whose nationality could not be ascertained.
> http://www.dawn.com/2011/05/23/terrorists-attack-navy-airbase-in-karachi-destroy-three-aircraft.html
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13497328
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/23/world/asia/23pakistan.html?_r=1
> http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia/2011/05/201152218582675282.html
> You'd think a country with nukes could easily deter others from attacking it, 
> apparently not. Nukes didn't prevent the USA from ignoring Pakistan's 
> sovereignty and killing Osama bin Laden and nukes didn't prevent us from 
> killing innocent Pakistani citizens with drones.
> Nukes are a horrible blight on the planet. We should destroy every last one 
> of them. But now that militants have breached Pakistan's well-secured navy 
> airbase in Karachi, a possible site for nukes, it would make sense to call 
> for destruction of nukes, but I doubt it. It wouldn't surprise me if the next 
> thing we hear is a scary news story saying Pakistan can't be trusted to keep 
> its nukes from terrorists. I I certainly hope we haven't lost our minds 
> enough to launch an operation to seize Pakistan's nukes.  But it's not too 
> much of a stretch to think it's possible since we already have far more CIA 
> agents and special forces operating there than Pakistan wants. American 
> hegemony sucks and it worries me.

I guess we're crazier than I thought.

"The US – India axis is trying to outsmart Pakistan and its neighbors by 
pretending that Pakistan is indeed a partner in its global war against 
terrorism, while they clandestinely move closer to Pakistan's nuclear weapons 
bases with an ultimate goal of bringing the nukes under Western control."


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