> > Isn't it more accurately summarized as "everything 
> > has a physical level, consciousness is correlated 
> > with brain functioning"? Metaphysically that's a 
> > big difference...
> >
> Correlation does not imply causation. But he was 
> explicit that consciousness is caused by ("is the 
> product of") brain functioning. And "is physical" is 
> not the same as "has a physical level."
Somebody got really mixed up! According to the author
of Brahma Sutras, Badarayana, "Brahman is what everything 
comes from." So, for the Vedanta, Consciousness is a 
product of Brahman. Pure consciousness is the Being, the
Brahman itself, not an object of cognition.

Janmadyasya yatah I.1.2 (2) (Brahman is that) from which 
the origin etc., (i.e. the origin, sustenance and 
dissolution) of this (world proceed). 

'Brahma Sutras' 
By Swami Sivananda 

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