> > Is anybody else on an organic diet and if so,
> > where do you procure your foodstuffs? I'm
> > pretty sure I'd die if I couldn't eat organic
> > brown rice every day.
> >
> Bad news for ya Willy: "Whole Foods admits its 
> organic foods contain genetically modified 
> ingredients"
Not all of Whole Foods oraganics are modified, 
but compared to what you're getting at your 
local Safeway, it's pretty organic!

> http://www.naturalnews.com/032628_Whole_Foods_GMOs.html
> Does organic brown rice go well with barbecued 
> prairie dog?
About as good as wild hog meat, but not all Latinos 
eat 'barbecued' prairie dogs, Barry. You probably
think all Asians eat cat meat - that's just your
race prejudice at work. But, do you have to be so
obvious about it? We already know that you think
you're elite and we are the 'sheeple'. Go figure.

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