Hmmm very interesting indeed! But of course the young Obama back in 1988
looked nothing like the pictures of Maitreya taken at the Kenyan
appearance right? Well take a look for your self...

Ok now after taking into consideration that the grain of the photos are
different, and that the facial expressions are slightly different and
taken at different angles, I am under the impression that Maitreya as he
appeared in 1988 and Barry or Barack Obama are indeed the same person.

Now lets move on to some other interesting similarities between these

Benjamin Creme has repeatedly said in his News Letters at
that before Maitreya openly reveals his true identity he would enter the
world stage as a man calling for wait for it...
Now lets see... what was Barack Obamas entire campaign centered on? THE

Benjamin Creme also said that their would be many many people opposed to
Maitreyas ideas at first, which is exactly what we are seeing unfold now
with Obamas popularity beginning to shrink, as people fear he is leading
the world down a path to Socialism.

Now keep in mind that the whole message of Maitreya is to SHARE... or in
other words to spread the wealth around, which is exactly the same thing
Obama stands for. It's really just a fancy way of saying global
socialism where the middle class would be erradicated.

Also why was their so much hype about Obama being the Messiah, with many
New Age people using some very Occultic language when describing Obama?

Some were calling him an evolved being that has come to lead humanity
into the New Order (aka New World Order).. Others such as Nation of
Islam' leader, Louis Farrakhan openly proclaimed that Barack is the
Messiah, and New Ager Oprah declared him 'THE ONE'. Their were many more
reports of such descriptions of Obama.

Just after Obama won the election, Share International made the
announcement that a star has appeared in the sky, heralding the arrival
of the CHRIST, in much the same way that the star in Bethlehem led the
wise men to the baby Jesus... Is it a coincidence that shortly after
Obama was Inaugerated as the first truly global president?
Why was their a massive MASONIC BALL held in his honour straight after
his Inaugeration ?
Is Barack Obama really the New Agers and Occultists long awaited Masonic
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