Apparently the first lady is now in the business of promoting "endless 
war" traveling to Hollywood to get them make more movies about military 

Obama said she created the initiative with Jill Biden to help the nation 
understand "that when our country goes to war, we have families that are 
serving right along with them."

Wow, Obama is not the person I voted and now neither is his wife!  More 
government propaganda, shame, shame.  Hey Michelle, did you read George 
Orwell's "1984" sitting on your head?   He was talking about a bad 
society not a plan for future societies.  Endless war is not a solution 
and you have sold your soul to the "devils" (i.e. military industrial 

Time to ramp up our attacks on this stupid war machine that has infected 
our country.

The article:

PS: ever wonder why we glamorize enforcement in shows on TV?  It's not 
that the public is clamoring for them.

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