--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
> Hugh Hefner.
> http://omg.yahoo.com/news/next-playboy-has-runaway-bride-sticker-on-cover/65192


Not Hefner's decision to put a "Breaking News" sticker 
over her picture on the cover of the already-off-the-
presses July issue to let everyone know that the wedding
is off. To me that's just good business sense; this issue
will sell three to four times more than a normal issue at 
the newsstands.

What's harsh is reading the article and hearing that his
runaway bride ran off with the dude's dog. That's harsh.

A Playboy Playmate fiance who runs off just before your 
wedding a man can get over. But the loss of one's dog?



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