--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> I was completed shocked when I saw Michelle Bachmann on Fox
> last night (and I *never* watch Fox). Extremely poised,
> present, and articulate. I have read about her extreme
> positions, but the person I saw last night is someone I have
> to take seriously.

No, you don't. Unless by "take seriously" you mean worry
about her possibly getting the Republican nomination. But
that would actually just about ensure Obama's victory.

> Not only that, I want to know more about how she would do
> things if President. Maybe after Newt and Sarah and Mitt,
> anyone with a brain seems promising.

Do not mistake poise, presence, and articulateness for a
brain, at least one that thinks sensible thoughts. She is
*the* craziest of all the prominent right-wing Republicans
in Congress, and that's saying something.

I recommend two recent posts about Bachmann from the blog
of James Fallows, one of the most intelligent pundits on
the Web. He's a liberal, but he's not hyperpartisan.

First, about her amazing "John Wayne" gaffe today in
Waterloo, Iowa:



But that's relatively trivial. This post, about her Face the
Nation appearance on Sunday, makes an important point about
Bachmann (he agrees with you that she's looking remarkably
professional these days):



Money quote:

"She showed that she is an absolute genius at the established political 
technique of 'giving the answer you want to give, no matter what the question 
was.' [Hmm, that sounds familiar.--JS] Schieffer reeled off a list of 
whopper-scale false claims she had made--for instance, that Obama had approved 
'only one' offshore drilling permit, when in fact he'd approved hundreds. Her 
response, every time, was some variant on 'the real question is why President 
Obama has misled us.' Or, on policy: what specifically would she do to create 
jobs? 'The real question is why President Obama has failed to create jobs.' See 
for yourself from CBS's site.


"I am not endorsing this as the ideal way to lead a public discourse, and you 
can't get away with it forever. (Schieffer closed the show with a manful 
for-the-record note that he had tried time and again to get answers to his 
questions about her falsehoods, and hadn't.) If you have only this one trick in 
your array of responses, eventually this will be what the press constantly 
harps on. But it is a part of a big-time politician's arsenal, and she showed 
that she knows how to use it. 

"When I say these are signs that she is serious, I don't mean that by my lights 
she suddenly has practical, plausible answers to the nation's problems. It 
means that her run could be more disciplined and professional than some other 
ill-starred long-shot campaigns we've seen recently."

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