> > So, I'm curious as to how MZ, not to mention Vaj, 
> > respond to this:
> >
> It doesn't have to be TM either. My tantra guru 
> taught meditation to similar kids through a program 
> on of students who is a juvenile office set up.
So, your tantra guru teaches a meditation that is
transcendental, which apparently get results just
like TM? 

But, there's no scientific research you can cite to 
support that. That's what Lawson was asking about - 
the research. Vaj say it is bogus and dangerous to
teach kids tantra yoga. Go figure.

Where does it say that 'tantra meditation' gets the 
same results as TM?

> > http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeanne-ball/meditation-trauma-abuse_b_883225.html

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