A wildfire surrounds the nuclear lab in Los Alamos, N.M. But don't worry, 
everything is just fine. 


The Los Alamos fire is 50 feet away from nuclear waste storage containers, but 
don't worry, "we are confident we can contain the fire."


75% US of nuclear plants leaking toxic tritium radiation into the drinking 
water supply, but don't worry, tritium exposure has a limited biological impact 
because it emits very weak radiation and leaves the body relatively quickly.

Aging nuclear plants have failed cables, busted seals, broken nozzles, clogged 
screens, cracked concrete, dented containers, corroded metals and rusty 
underground pipes but don't worry the NRC  lowers standards for compliance.

Rather than phasing out or rejecting nuclear power like Germany or Italy, 
respectively, the U.S. is simply putting more focus on the safety of the 
reactors. The NRC has applications for 12 new reactors, but don't worry, Obama 
says it's clean energy.

The NRC says don't worry about the busted aqua berm at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear 
Plant, because the plant remains sealed and the berm is replaceable in about a 
week. Even if the river continues to rise, they are absolutely certain the 
plant will remain safely sealed, flood water will not damage the electrical 
system and radiation will not leak into the Missouri River. Don't worry...trust 
the NRC.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> Maddow's faux-ironic delivery has become so affected she's
> unwatchable.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > The flood wall at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant has failed,
> > but don't worry, everything is fine.
> It wasn't a "flood wall," it was a big rubber tube filled
> with water, an extra line of defense outside the main flood
> barriers. It didn't "fail"--that's sensationalist language.
> "Fail" is what happens when the power of the water is so
> great it breaches a levee or other barrier. In this case, a
> worker accidentally punctured the rubber tube. They'll have
> another one up next week.
> > Rachel Maddow called attention to a problem that's been
> > brewing at the Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant in Nebraska,
> > on the shores of the Missouri River.
> It isn't a "problem that's been brewing." It's a situation
> that had been anticipated for months, time for many measures
> to be taken to ensure it didn't *become* a problem.
> > The power plant is currently flooding, due to heavy
> > rainfall this season, and errors by plant workers that have
> > broken down the facility's defenses against floods.
> One error, the one described above; and what was "broken
> down" was an extra line of defense outside the main
> flood barriers. As noted, they'll have a new one up next
> week.
> > She called nuclear power "the world's most terrifying and
> > consequential means of boiling water," and though that
> > sounds fairly simple, exposed a number of flaws within the
> > Nebraska plant.
> She didn't "expose" a thing. Everything she reported has
> already been covered in detail. And the "flaws" in question
> have been remedied.
> > "For now, everything is fine, if occasionally wet at Fort
> > Calhoun, we are told," Maddow said, but noted that the rainy
> > summer could raise the Missouri River the two additional
> > feet it would take to flood the reactor cores.
> But it's not expected to rise that high; and you can't
> "flood the reactor cores" anyway; they're completely
> enclosed.
> I think Raw Story is to blame for much of this misleading
> sensationalist language, but Maddow also tried her best to
> make the situation seem much more dire than it actually is,
> including by showing lots of footage of the destruction at
> Fukushima, as if they were comparable.
> That's not to say the situation couldn't *become* dire if
> lots of things go wrong. But at this point it's well under
> control.
> > 
> > Raw Replay, Rachel Maddow:
> > 
> > http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/06/rachel-maddow-explains-scary-n\
> > uclear-power-plant-flood-in-nebraska/
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Fh8djQZba50/TgNPbNeyqJI/AAAAAAAADM8/GcbpU13iK\
> > q0/s1600/fort+calhoun+hi+res+june+14th+2011+photo+AP+Nati+Harnik.jpg]
> > 
> > Photo of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant before flood wall failed
> > 
> > Video of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant after flood wall failed
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8JqACkhKM4
> > <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8JqACkhKM4>
> >

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