--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> Senator Bernie Sanders has a letter to Obama that you can sign on his 
> web site.  Currently it is at 96K+ signatures:
> http://sanders.senate.gov/petition/?uid=c1fd7f9b-abd8-4e7a-a370-1867881259d8

Obama uses his bully-pulpit to give the Republicans hell for about two minutes, 
then he caves. Blaming the Republicans, "They suck worse" is a lousy campaign 
slogan. If Obama wants to win in 2012, he has to stop acting like a Republican, 
selling out to rich people and start standing up for the elderly, working 
class, the poor and women.

Bernie Sanders on Youtube: "Dear Mr. President"

Meanwhile, Randians are hell bent on defaulting on our debt. They want to see 
total economic collapse so they can replace our current system with a 
libertarian paradise.

Stephen Colbert asked libertarian, "drown government in a bathtub" Grover 
Norquist, about his "don't raise taxes" pledge he had Republican lawmakers 
sign, and whether he would allow grandmothers across the country be terrorized 
or allow higher taxes. Norquist responded by saying that "I think we console 
our self with the fact that we have pictures."

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