Ravi Yogi:
> Indeed by rejecting the feminine values of faith, 
> trust for the fear of harming themselves, one finds 
> themselves separated, alienated and distanced...
"For centuries after her death, Mary's legacy 
remained the greatest of all threats to a fearful 
church that had bypassed Messianic descent in favor 
of Apostolic succession," wrote Gardener, noting, 
"The most active Magdalen cult was eventually based 
at Rennes le Chateau in the Languedoc region." 

Work cited: 

'Bloodline of the Holy Grail' 
By Laurence Gardner 
Element Books, 1996 

Read more:

Subject: Harlot of God? Part II
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental, 
Date: April 17, 2005

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