> What's happening is that FFL Members continue to 
> post on behalf, or in spite of, non-Members. This 
> has led to a number of misunderstandings, 
> discontinuities, and worst, defamation posted 
> behind this screen of provided anonymity.
So, you're thinking that some members are posting
messages on behalf of non-members, because some
non-members don't want to become members, because
they want to post defamation, so they get members
to post it? Why can't the non-members just become
members and post their own defamatory messages? 

This is just outrageous!!!

> > > Can FairfieldLife adopt a Policy restricting 
> > > non-member posting? This issue has come up 
> > > before, and has led to many misunderstandings.
> > > 
> > Apparently posting to FFL is available only to
> > members. Non-members can read, but not post.
> >

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