On Jul 26, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

The RC/Catholicism story reminds me of Bernadette Roberts, who had a nondual awakening and then proceeded to box herself back into her old Catholic perspective. It weirds me out that people could be blessed with a taste of nondual freedom and then claw themselves back into a religious theme decorated prison cell. I asked Tom T about it, and he said some people are addicted to being an I/me story.

In Tibetan Buddhism we'd call this "falling into accepting and rejecting". Once the embodied non-conventional experience of totality is lost, one falls back into polarities of accepting things that enhance ego and rejecting those that no longer do. This experience can actually be quite painful physically.

For Judaeo-Christians I can't help but think of Pierce Pettis' song title "Trying to Stand in a Fallen World". The fallen world story is not the best myth for embracing totality, in fact it's a myth of separateness.

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