Nice piece, J. Thanks for posting it. Since you wrote it,
have you come any closer to an answer to the question
you pose at the end? Any sense of a "seed" beginning to

--- In, "J" <JB789@...> wrote:
> Hello,
> Since I have noticed some dialogues on J. Krishnamurti, I would share the 
> following.
> The article (which I have written some years ago) was published in 'The 
> American Yoga Journal', 
> at their request and a Krishnamurti-teachings related magazine. 
> Regards,
> JB
> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> My meeting with J. Krishnamurti 
> -------------------------------------------
> I believe it was in 1982, in Switzerland, after a group meeting with J. 
> Krishnamurti. The time had come to say goodbye. I noticed how others were 
> very respectfully taking turns to shake his hand in farewell. 
> For what seemed like an eternity, I was in the midst of a dilemma. 
> On the one hand, there was the wish to touch this being and, on the other, a 
> monologue saying, "What nonsense are you up to... playing the guru game after 
> all, aren't you?" 
>    And while I was going round like a mouse trapped in a cage – there was 
> only one door, and K was standing by it – suddenly I saw the situation in a 
> sober way: simply a matter of saying goodbye to someone with whom one has 
> spent some time; no fuss, no thoughts of expecting shaktipat (energy 
> transference), or any other gloriously pink astral emotions. 
> I was the last one in the queue, so there was no way out of it. 
>    I walked towards him, shook his hand and said, "Thank you for this time 
> and goodbye." 
> "Yeees, sir," he said. That was all, on the outwardly visible level. 
>    In those few seconds, the following also happened: He took my hand in his, 
> and with his other hand, my elbow; it felt as though my whole being and its 
> contents were being shaken into place; a current of a very high speed passed 
> on through my hand to the rest of the body, from head to toe; it was like a 
> good and instant shower of energy. 
>    He looked into my eyes. 
>    I've never seen such dark, large and bottomless eyes! For a split second I 
> felt a fear similar to that of falling off a mountain precipice, as though 
> there was a space without end, and invisible – and yet perceived – floods of 
> love were pouring from his eyes. (In view of this, it's quite interesting 
> that some people call him `dry' and `intellectual'.) 
>    I was standing there, hardly prepared for all that, and this little man, 
> who physically did not reach higher than my chest, was definitely felt by me 
> to be about 4 times taller than myself. 
>    Because it all happened so quickly, only when I stepped outside the room 
> did I realize what had taken place. 
>    I had witnessed a few similar events in the company of others before I met 
> K, but the delicacy, subtlety, purity and sobriety contained in the nature of 
> this meeting was somehow unique. 
>    He was a rare one! 
>    I've read that even though he hardly ever talked about matters of a 
> mystical nature, he himself said that there will not be another like him for 
> several hundred years, the reason for this being the necessity for a body 
> that can withstand the enormous volume of energy similar to that which passed 
> through K's body. 
>    And my mind at times throws up the question: Does such an encounter leave 
> some kind of a `seed' in one, or is it just another awesome experience? 
>    Maybe I'll never know, and it probably does not matter either. 
> JB
>   (in English and Danish)
>   (The official repository of the 
> authentic teachings of J. Krishnamurti)

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