I am wondering whether Rick wouldn't like to start a new site called Fairfield 
Life Bitching for those who wear their egos on their sleeves and like to snipe 
at each other. Often a good series of posts begin around a spiritual experience 
or idea and soon the usual suspects start in on each other and instead of 
having a decent discussion one finds oneself mired in repartees and point 
scoring. Sometimes this is amusing but if short of time rather irritating and 
lowers the tone of what is supposed to be an exploration of spiritual ideas.

When posts become personal you could just write "I am dumping on" give name and 
direct interested folk to the Bitching Site. I think this would allow others to 
read better  motivated material. The Bitching site might become popular. It can 
amusing to read repartee but only if one has the time; like forwarded jokes!.

Also I think some people should write each other directly. Mark's post got 
excessive long replies from someone, replies that made me ask obvious questions 
but avoiding the personal didn't and frankly were in the nature of raves that 
should have gone to Mark directly rather than hogging so much space.

And while griping can't people delete all the posts before they make their own.


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