Nabby, you are cute. 
You forgot to add ji after, like Maharishiji.

I hope you do not think I am anti-meditating and all that stuff, because I do, 
do the stuff.  Sometimes people see it from a different perspective, like I see 
the elephant from the raised trunk.

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "wgm4u" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> > Have you noticed the conspicuous absence of Patanjali's 6th limb or Dharana 
> > (concentration), why is that? I don't think Patanjali taught TM folks, 
> > that's why, but that is another subject. TM is Maharishi's Yoga-lite for 
> > modernity.
> Maharishi's project is designed for eternity. Your small and foolish postings 
> are rediculous. 
> Maharishi redesigned the consciousness of this Planet for all eternity. The 
> Age of Enlightenment is here and now.
> Jai Maharishi
> Jai Guru Dev

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