--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > 
> > > From what I heard, M told the Mother Divine course, that Om (Aum) was not 
> > > to be used as a mantra, as it's use would cause you to lose everything 
> > > you had, to lose your wealth...
> > > So, in any reading of the Vedic Literature which Mother Divine used, that 
> > > contained the sound Om (Aum) would be avoided, or taken out of the 
> > > reading...
> > > Just what I heard...
> > 
> > MMY believed OM was a recluse Mantra only and did not recommend it for the 
> > householder. I believe he blamed the poor of condition of India on the 
> > passive inducing OM mantra, although the pundits always start their 
> > chanting with OMmmm...
> >
> As I've told before, 'om' is a rather common word in Swedish
> (preposition: about,etc. / adverb: again / conjunction: if).
> "Despite that", Sweden seems to be amongst the wealthiest countries
> in the whole world, eh? 
> Furthermore, there are words like 'kom' (came), som (as, etc.)
> dom (colloquial 'them'), and stuff... :o
> Om hon sku veta, som dom... (If she knew [sku veta!] as do those...)

You need to get some Platonic smarts Card!

It's the reference of the word, not the word itself
that counts. 'Om' (pa Svenska) is the same "token' as 'om' in
New Age English, but these linguistic tokens refer to quite
distinct abstract entities.

Just as, for example, the Swedish linguistic token "baksida"
refers (I think) to "rear" in English (as in the rear of a 
building, and not to your backside, your 'arse').

Or 'fart' - which most amusingly for little minds such
as mine is (I think) in Swedish 'Jazz' (or speed, velocity,
pace, start, go, going, force, energy, push, impetus, verve,
clip, swing, snap, pep, zing, zip, ginger, trade). 

Or "Naturen" - which in Swedish refers to the Platonic entity
'countryside', and not "The Nature".


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