--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <wgm4u@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > MMY used the catch all phrase *stress* to describe general stress and what 
> > Yoga calls the "kleshas" and "doshas" which are obstructions in the Chakras 
> > (lower) that disable the prana (or serpent fire) from moving UP the spine 
> > bestowing states of Higher Consciousness.
> > 
> I've always interpreted his use of stress to refer to samskaras, impressions 
> left on the mind by experience.

Yes, they are Samskaras, but what is the nature of the samskaras?  Impressions 
is a rather vague concept compared to the descriptive nature of the kleshas and 
doshas, what ARE the samskaras? (ie stresses).

According to Yoga:

Panchakarma (Sanskrit: 
&#2346;&#2306;&#2330;&#2325;&#2352;&#2381;&#2350;&#8204;, literally meaning 
"five actions") is the word for the five different procedures used in Ayurveda 
which are believed to purify the body. This is done in two ways:

    pacifying the aggravated doshas by using appropriate diet, natural herbs 
and minerals.
    eliminating the increased Doshas from the body.

and Klesha

Kle&#347;&#257; (sanskrit &#2325;&#2381;&#2354;&#2375;&#2358;&#2366; ) is a 
term from Indian philosophy and yoga, meaning a "poison". The third &#347;loka 
of Patañjali's Yogas&#363;tra explicitly identifies Five Poisons 

    Ignorance (in the form of a misapprehension about reality) (ávidy&#257;),
    egoism (in the form of an erroneous identification of the Self with the 
intellect) (asmit&#257;),
    attachment (r&#257;ga),
    aversion (dve&#7779;a), and
    fear of death (which is derived from clinging ignorantly to life) 

> MMY was very much a consciousness is everything guy. The details laid out in 
> chakra traditions seem to me to be a whole different direction to go in 
> interpreting things.

If you wish to simply look at everything as merely stress (like MMY suggested) 
go ahead, but I believe these 'afflictions' are the real stresses (samskaras) 
MMY was talking about, (as well as the general stress that I mentioned, minor 
in comparison). 

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