Every meditator at some point must deal with his sleeping elephants, but what 
are they, did MMY ever describe them?

Before Buddha could be released into Nirvana he had to contend with Mara the 
tempter, and Jesus had to contend with Satan.

These archetypes are the real demons (elephants) we have to contend with at 
some point on the spiritual path.

In Yoga they are described as the Doshas (faults of the ego) and "only when man 
has conquered these, does he acquire knowledge of his true soul nature". 

The sleeping elephants my friends are; Lust, Anger, Greed, Delusion, Pride and 

(Source quoted-Gita/Yogananda) 

In Yoga they are called the doshas which are the samskaras (impressions) of 
Lust, Anger, Greed, Fear and Sleep. (Not to be confused with the doshas of 

Mara had to contend with them before reaching enlightenment, so did Jesus Christ

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