--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Thank you, Bob, I appreciate this.  It doesn't seem to jibe with the little I 
> thought I knew, but I really didn't know anything.  I had some impression 
> from somewhere that he left the movement for awhile and then came back.  But 
> I really never knew.
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 6:28 PM, Bob Price wrote:
> > 
> > Mark,
> > 
> > It looks like there is plenty of speculation on Devendra that can be found 
> > in the archives of FFL using his name. The following are some highlights 
> > from Joyce Collin-Smith who knew him both when he joined Maharishi and when 
> > he left. 
> > 
> > There are a number of great stories in 'Call No Man Master". For those that 
> > don't know-Joyce Collin-Smith, the author of the book, she was one of the 
> > early group of meditators-followers of Maharishi in the UK. Early 60's 
> > vintage not unlike Helena Olson. Where Mrs. Olson was a PR professional 
> > Colin-Smith was a journalist on fleet street. She was originally part of 
> > the UK Gurdjieff-Ouspensky- group run by Francis Roles that joined and 
> > financially supported Maharishi in his early visits to the UK as Ouspensky, 
> > on his death, had told them to find an eastern master because they needed 
> > Vedic techniques to actualize their philosophy. They provided the first UK 
> > TM center that Maharishi taught out of on Prince Albert Road in London but 
> > eventually there was a falling out (with Roles and some others) when they 
> > visited the TMO ashram in Rishikesh and met Sivananda at another ashram 
> > across the river. 
> > 
> > Two in this early British group were Joyce Collin-Smith and Philip Williams 
> > (Devendra). Collin Smith looked after Maharishi at this time, acted as his 
> > chauffeur and set up the his first lectures in London and Oxford. She also 
> > edited Maharishi's letters for him as well as making sure he was fed and 
> > had a comfortable place to sleep. Philip was an Anglo Indian and a 
> > practising international lawyer who had graduated with honours from Oxford 
> > when he met Maharishi in the early 60's. He left it all behind and became 
> > Maharishi's go to guy in the early 60's at the Albert Road center. 
> > Maharishi eventually renamed him Devendra and publicly named him his 
> > successor after Devendra took vows. Both Collin Smith and Devendra had been 
> > there for a number of years when the Beatles showed up. For why Joyce 
> > Collin Smith eventually left i recommend reading her book. 
> > 
> > According to Joyce Collin-Smith her and Devendra stayed in touch by letter. 
> > Devendra was eventually sent to India to mediate full time in the caves 
> > near Rishikesh. Eventually his letters to Joyce stopped and she didn't hear 
> > from him for 20 years (no idea what the dates are here) until he showed up 
> > in London penniless and broken. The story he told was that Maharishi had 
> > kept him fasting and meditating in dark caves for years and his meditation 
> > had become more and more bizarre.
> > 
> > "In the end I thought I was going mad, alone in the caves", 'he said.' 
> > "Maharishi gave me no assistance , no guidance. he just laughed and told me 
> > to go on". 'Terrifying experiences had come to him as he sought  to obey 
> > the will of his once beloved and now indomitable Master, as he had always 
> > done, without complaint'
> > 
> > Long story short he eventually asked the Shankaracharya (the one on M's 
> > team) what he should do and was advised to sneak out of India without 
> > telling Maharishi
> > which he did with borrowed money. He showed up in London, he was 60, and 
> > went to work in a Japanese restaurant and eventually moved to the 
> > Philippines to live with his sister and was never heard from again.

Maharishi did everything humanly possible to help Philip. In every way 
imaginable, bu it was not possible.

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