Seeing a movie like "Revolver" reminds me of the two-edged sword that is
Flash. A LOT of modern cinema and TV seems to depend upon Flash to make
money at the box office. And it works. Throw in enough CGI or action
Flash into an otherwise-mediocre flick, and it wows at the box office.
Tired old retreads like "Super 8" become big hits. Testaments to
confused and possibly deranged mindsets like "Sucker Punch" also make
money, as long as they contain enough Flash. This phenomenon of Flocking
To Flash seems most pronounced, sadly, in younger generations who have
been raised on video games, the popularity of which depend almost
entirely upon their Flash quotient.

Now segue to spiritual experience. How many of the things we read on
forums like FFL are based on Flash? When pressed to explain why they
still consider Maharishi a major spiritual teacher, one who was arguably
more than human, people trot out their Flash stories. Same with other
spiritual teachers, obviously including some of the ones considered High
Rollers in the spiritual pantheon. Would anyone still be talking about
Christ if he hadn't turned a little water into wine, walked on water,
and risen from the dead? Flash. Lately we've heard a few mentions of the
"miracle stories" people experienced around Maharishi, as if they
justify the lingering devotion that people feel towards him. Flash.

Color me not convinced that Flash is all that important. And I say that
having seen more than my share of it. Seeing the Flash was FUN; don't
get me wrong. But did it really change my life? Did it justify me
continuing to believe in things that objective reality has revealed over
time to be...uh...mistaken?

Flash distracts. That's one reason that mediocre filmmakers have IMO
become dependent on it. Throw in enough Flash, and its very Flashiness
will distract a certain percentage of audiences enough to convince them
that they're watching a good movie, and not a piece of trash. Movie
audiences have been trained to equate Flash with quality; if the movie
sucks but the CGI is great, it's permissible to consider it a good
movie. Bzzzzzt. I don't buy this. For some reason, I have retained
enough resistance to Flash to be able to notice if a Flashy movie has
nothing going for it *but* Flash. I think that spiritual seekers might
benefit from developing a similar resistance.

One of the "take aways" I still consider valuable from studying with
Maharishi comes with the early days of his teaching, during which he
taught that siddhis and other forms of Flash didn't have anything to do
with enlightenment. Apples and oranges. He later reversed himself on
this. I think he was onto something with the earlier teaching. Flash is
flash. Enlightenment is enlightenment. The two have no more to do with
each other than squeezing apples has to producing a glass of orange

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